Fifth Generation
At 22, Clifford Connor Sarrett registered for the draft. He stated his address as Route 2, Cartersville, GA, that his date of birth was Mar 30, 1895, and that he was a "natural born" citizen. He listed his occupation as farmer and that his father and mother were solely dependent upon him for their support. He was registered as single, Caucasian, and with no previous military service.
Physically, Cliff is described as tall, slender, with blue eyes, light hair, and neither bald nor missing limbs. The document is dated June 5, 1917 and signed by Bartow County Registrar J.D. Pittard, Cliff's uncle. Note how he signed his name as Sarrette.

Cliff was deferred from military service and stayed home to support his parents, George Montgomery Sarrett and Elizabeth F. "Bettie" Pittard.
Three years later, on May 5, 1920, he married Eddie Lucile Carlisle, born Apr 12, 1900 in Bartow County, GA, the fourth child of Emma Thompson and William Madison Carlisle. According to the following newspaper announcement, they journeyed about 15 miles west of Cassville to Kingston, GA to exchange vows.
The Tribune News, Cartersville, GA, May 27, 1920
A marriage that occasioned wide and cordial interest among a large circle of their friends was that of Miss Lucille Carlisle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Carlisle, of Cass Station, and Mr. Clifford C. Sarrett, a well-known young farmer of the Grassdale community.
The happy event, which was solemnized at Kingston, was a surprise to all but the intimate friends of the contracting parties, and was witnessed by only a few relatives and friends. Rev. J.J.M. Mize, pastor of the Methodist church of Kingston, officiated at the ceremony, which took place at the parsonage.
Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Carrett (sic) repaired to the home of the groom's parents, where they will reside for the present.
Soon the couple set up housekeeping in their own place, renting the house now known as Shady Grove Farm on White Cassville Rd. in Bartow County, GA.
Early in their marriage, Cliff and Lucile lived in Chicago where four of their six children were born. But in the waning days of the depression, they came back south and first rented then bought the home at 84 Rocky Ford Rd. in the Kirkwood Community of Atlanta. Cliff was the maintenance superintendent at the C&S Bank Building in downtown Atlanta.
Clifford Connor Sarrett died Oct 10, 1949. Lucile lived in the house on Rocky Ford Rd. until 1964 when she moved to Stone Mountain, then later to Smyrna where she lived with her daughter, Dianne. She died Oct 28, 1983.