Original handwritten document: "Settlement of the Estate of Ruth Dillard, Filed 23th Dec 1846"
Fifth Generation
John Dillard was born in Virginia about 1765, probably Culpeper County, the second child of William Dillard and Mary Norman. When John was about 15 years old, his father was killed during the American revolution at the Battle of Eutaw Springs in South Carolina. His mother was expecting another child, and with no means of support, the family fell into destitution.
Apparently, to relieve financial difficulties, young John and two brothers, William Jr. and George, left Virginia for Laurens County, SC, where they would spend the rest of their lives. South Carolina lore insists John was raised by his Uncle James (Laurens James) Dillard, famed for his service as an officer in the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War.
John married Ruth Wilson, the widow of Manassa. Her maiden name remains a mystery but records indicate that she was known as Ruthy. The new union included two children, Nancy, who married a Dalrymple, and a son, Manassa. Estate records reveal that John was a very prosperous Laurens County planter.
Estate of John Dillard
John died, apparently without a will, prior to Nov 7, 1833, when the first of three citations "on the Estate of John Dillard Deceased" was read aloud in public. Though we don't know the exact text contained in the citation, the public readings probably satisfied legal requirements of the time to notify creditors and others having a claim to the estate. What has survived, however, is proof that Elbert Lindsey certified that he read the citation on Nov 7, Thomas Prather certified that he read the citation the second time at Mount Pleasant meeting house on Nov 10, 1833, and Ambrose Ray attested to the final reading on Nov 20, 1833.
The estate's administrator, John's youngest son William, petitioned David Anderson, Esquire, ordinary for Laurens District, to "grant an order of sale on the goods and chattle" belonging to his father. Robert Owens, William Gamble, and Zachariah Sparkes were qualified as appraisers and on Dec 2, 1833, appointed by Ordinary Anderson to "view and appraise all and every the said goods and chattles" including 16 Negros.
Given the usual condition of old handwritten records, the following is a mostly complete transcription.
Appraisal & Sale Bill
of the Personal Property of John Dillard Deceased
Appraised on the 21st day of December 1833
Sales on the 23rd & 24th days of December 1833
At the DillardPlantation
Appraised for: |
Sold for: |
Plantation tools, Waggon & Blacksmith tools |
$87.00 |
Household & Kitchen Furniture |
$152.00 |
$152.00 |
Crop, Corn, Fodder, Cotton & Oats |
$367.50 |
$461.00 |
Stock Horses, Hogs, Sheep, Cattle |
$324.75 |
$502.00 |
Sixteen Negroes |
$4,400.00 |
$6,065.00 |
$7,267.00 |
Appraisal Signed by
Robert Owens
Wm. Gamble
Z. Sparks
Sale Signed by
William Dillard
The $7, 267 raised at the 1833 sale amounted to just over $192,212** in 2008 dollars. John's widow and seven other family members split the bulk of the estate, $6,532 or $172,771 if 175 years of inflation is taken into account, and 24 creditors promptly received the remainder.
According to surviving records, John's widow, Ruth, received $2,644 ($69,934 in 2008 U.S.) and his children were each paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.),.all except Sarah, who received an 1837 payment of $611 ($14,191 in 2008 U.S.).
Among John's estate documents are the following two lists written in two different hands recording payments (including fractions of a cent) to creditors. Debts paid amount to $611.23 for the first list and $655.83 for the second list for a total of $1,267.06 ($32,866 in 2008 U.S.)
Though no date is present on the document, the following monies were probably paid out of John's estate in 1833:
Account paid to John Henderson $27.39
Note paid to John & Kerns $13.06
Account paid to John & Kerns $8.90
Account paid to _______ ______ $5.00
Account paid to Manaseh Wilson $4.81
Account paid to Alexander ______ $3.75
Account paid to Wm L. Bevis $5.00
Account paid to Arbra Filin $6.60
Paid to Wm Gamble $1.00
Account paid to Thomas Wils $60.00
Note paid to Susanah Lowry $142.50
Note paid to Manaseh Willson $15.30
Note paid to Geo Young $227.87
Note paid to Washinington Mead (Editor's Note: This entry was crossed out and returned written along side.)
Account to Robert McGowan $2.00
Account to Jarvis Mickel $1.31 1/2
Note to Zachariah Sparkes, with interest $86.23
Note and interest to Zachariah Sparkes $42.62 1/2
Account to Thomas Hendricks $1.40 1/2
Account to William Moos $6.12 1/2
Account paid to George Young $1.98
Pd John Davis, account $8.32
paid the ordinary his fee, for this return $1.07
The following monies were paid out of John's estate in 1834:
Paid W.W. Moos on a _______ account $31 1/4
Pd ___ Bell on a note of hand note first due $54.50
Pd Reuben Way on ________ account $12.31 1/4
Pd Jabez Dillard on a sealed note the amount of note & interest $176.25
Pd James Dillard $90.73
Pd James Dillard amount of note under seal & interest $28.93 3/4
Pd D Anderson fee $8.50
Pd Robt Owens $1.00
Pd B.L. Posey $40.00
Pd Taxes for 1833 $10.54
Pd Z.S. Sparkes $1.00
fee paid the ordinary for this Return $1.07

Serious South Carolina Dillard researchers will no doubt ponder over the two listed above. James receiving two payments could be John's son and our grandfather, but it could also be a different James. Jabez Dillard is listed as presenting a sealed note to authenticate his claim of $176.25 ($4,572 in 2008 U.S.). Researchers are still trying to confirm his ancestors. One also wonders about the significance of their being listed sequentially as shown above on the old original record, and how they are related.
Estate of Ruth Dillard
Ruth's son-in-law Aaron Johnson served as the administrator of her estate after she died prior to October 17, 1844 without a will. Johnson, along with Frederick Johnson (also a son-in-law) and George Metz, signed an oath that no will existed.
Records show that on Nov 7, 1844, after personally appearing before Henry Seville, Laurens District justice of the peace, and "being first duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, to make a true and perfect inventory and appraisement thereof", William Adams, Lewis D. Jones, and Reuben Ray were appointed to make a list of and set a fair value for Ruth's possessions.
Estate of Ruth Dillard
Shot gun |
$4.00 |
Bed and Furniture |
$1.50 |
1 Lot tools |
$0.50 |
1 Lot jugs |
$0.50 |
1 Lot sacks |
$1.00 |
1 Lot barrels |
$1.00 |
1 Lot pots |
$2.00 |
3 Jars for |
$1.00 |
19 Bushels Corn 0.40 per bushel |
$7.60 |
38 Bushels Wheat 0.50 per bushel |
$19.00 |
1 Ladies Saddle |
$1.00 |
8 Bushels oats 0.25 per bushel |
$2.00 |
1 Mule |
$40.00 |
1 Waggon |
$40.00 |
Black Smith Tools |
$10.00 |
1 Negro Boy Berry |
1 Negro Girl Sinnina |
$450.00 |
1 Negro Girl Suffa |
$200.00 |
1 Negro Luginar |
$300.00 |
1 Negro Plinian |
$200.00 |
1 Negro Ony |
$200.00 |
1 Negro Martha |
$150.00 |
We the undersigners appraisers appointed by W.D. Watts Eqr. Ordinary for Laurens Dist Certify the above to be a true inventory of the goods and Chattles belonging to the Estate of Ruth Dillard, deceased.
Aaron Johnson, Adm.
William Adams
Rubin Ray (his mark)
Lewis Jones |
Laurens District
South Carolina |
Copy of Sale Bill
of Ruth Dillard Deceased |
Isaac Adair |
9 Sitting Chairs |
$3.25 |
1 Walnut table |
$1.62 |
1 Lot buckets 0.75 1 keg 0.50 |
$1.25 |
2 Spinning Wheels for 2.25 1 Loom 3.00 |
$5.25 |
1 Barrel 0.12 1 kitchen cupboard 0.56 |
$0.68 |
1 Waggon harness |
$51.00 |
1 Negro Martha |
$180.00 |
3 Jugs 4 Barrells Plow Irons |
$3.87 |
Capt. Aaron Johnson |
Bed and Furniture |
$24.00 |
10 Bushels Wheat pr. Bushel 0.62 1/2 |
$6.25 |
William Simpson |
1 shot gun |
$3.00 |
Edmond Adair |
1 Large chest 2.37 1 Red Cow 7.68 |
$10.06 |
1 Brindle Cow 8.00 1 Mule Colt 25.50 |
$33.50 |
1 Negro Girl |
$401.00 |
Frederick Johnson |
1 Side Saddle $1.00 1 sack flour 0.75 |
$1.75 |
90 Bushels Corn |
$35.00 |
1 Negro Boy Berry |
$598.00 |
Robert S. Norris |
1 Lot Books 0.62 1/2 1 White Cow $6.00 |
$6.62 1/2 |
10 Bu.Wheat pr. bu. 0.65 1 Flax Wheat 12 |
$6.62 |
John Deen |
1 Lot Farming Tools |
$0.56 1/4 |
Bales Cotton pr. 960 lbs $5.12 1/2 |
49.20 |
2 Bales Cotton pr. 640 $5.50 |
35.20 |
Thomas Ferguson |
1 Matock Harness |
$1.00 |
10 Bushels oats pr. Bu. 39 |
$3.90 |
1 set Black Smith tools |
$10.25 |
2 Axes |
$.75 |
Thomas Dalrymple |
40 Bushels Corn 0.49 1/2 |
$19.80 |
Alford Denson |
40 Bushels Corn 0.50 |
$20.00 |
W. J. Harris |
40 Bushels Corn 0.50 |
$20.00 |
1000 Lbs fodder 45 1000 Lbs fodder 41 |
$8.60 |
John Prather |
1 Lot Refused Corn |
$6.00 |
James Dillard |
1 Pen Shucks |
$4.00 |
10 Bushels Wheat pr. Bu. 63 |
$6.30 |
209 Lbs Seed Cotton |
$3.03 |
700 Boards |
$1.54 |
Who is this James Dillard? Not Ruth's son, she outlived him by six years.
Robt. J. Bell |
1000 Lbs Fodder |
$5.00 |
2nd Lot Plow irons |
$1.00 |
15 Bu. Potatoes |
$1.50 |
Henry S. Nul Esgr. |
5 1st Hogs |
$15.50 |
5 2nd Hogs |
$9.56 1/2 |
Richard S. Ferguson |
5 Hogs 3rd |
$5.56 1/2 |
6 Hogs Balance pr. Hed. 70 |
$4.20 |
12 Fouls pr. Hed. 6 1/4 |
$0.75 |
24 Bu. Potatoes pr. bu. 0.10 |
$2.40 |
James Bell |
1 Sow |
$4.00 |
Abraham Walden |
3 Yearlins |
$7.00 |
Settlement of the Estate of Ruth Dillard on the 23of December 1846 present all the parties with interest.
Amount of sale / sale $2944
deduct court at 2 1/2 percent $73
due 3 Jany 1846
Deduct payments for 1845 $17.58
Deduct payments for 1846 $40.85
Deduct pay to Isaac Adair note $623.30 = $681.73
add court 2 1/2 pct. $17.03 + $681.73 = $698.76 = $2,169
Balance ordinary fee $10.50
H.C. Young $5.00 = $15.00 [sic]
add court 2 1/2 pct. = 0.37 = $15.37 = $2,143
Each of Ruth's children received equal shares of $232.89 ($6,767 in 2008 U.S. dollars) plus interest from 2 January 1846.
Share of Isaac Adair & wife $232.89
sale note $260.10 = 31.21
John B Ritchey & wife $232.89
deduct purchases at sale 201.87
interest 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 $1.99
Due J.B. Ritchey & wife -- $33.01
Frederick Johnson & wife share $232.89
amount of purchases at sale 635.75 = 402.86
Interest from 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 27.42
due administrator $430.28
Edmond Adair & wife share $232.89
amount of purchases at sale 444.55 = 211.66
Interest from 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 14.40
due administrator $226.06
William Dillard share $232.89
purchases at sale 6.00 = 226.89
interest from 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 15.44
due by administrator $242.33
Amt due Manassa Wilson share $232.89
Interest paid 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 15.85
due by administrator $248.74
W Nancy Dalrymple share $232.89
Interest from 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 15.85
due by admin
The Children of James Dillard share $232.89
Interest paid 3 Jany 1846 to 23 Dec 1846 15.85 due by admin $248.74

Lemuel Dillard received this share of Ruth's estate when he married Martha, the mother of James' children, Alice Dalrymple from Martha's first marriage and our grandmother Margaret.
Proof positive of John and Ruth's final resting place is next to impossible to determine because as one local researcher reports "Laurens County did not have a person who could inscribe tombstones until the mid 1830s."
Children of Ruth ? and Manassa Wilson
1. Nancy m. Dalrymple. Paid $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from her mother's estate.
2. Manassa m. (1) Theodocia ?, (2) Sally ?, d. in AL between 1850 and 1860. Paid $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from his mother's estate.
Children of John Dillard and Ruth Wilson Dillard:
1. Frances m. Fredrick Johnson. Dillard sisters Frances and Mary married Johnson brothers Fredrick and Aaron, sons of John and Nancy Johnson. Johnson researchers believe that this John Johnson was the third John in a line of succession that began with the original grantholder for the land on which descendants of this family still live. Frances was paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.) in 1833 from her fathers estate and $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from her mother's estate.
2. James Major b. about 1797, m. Martha Lofton Dalrymple, a widow, about 1835, d. by Aug 12, 1838. James was paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.) in 1833 from his fathers estate. After James died, his widow, Martha Lofton Dalrymple Dillard, married his distant cousin, Lemuel Dillard, on Oct 6, 1844. As guardian of James' children, Lemuel was paid James' share plus interest of $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) from Ruth Dillard's 1846 estate settlement.
3. John
4. Mary, m. Aaron Johnson. Dillard sisters Frances and Mary married Johnson brothers Fredrick and Aaron, sons of John and Nancy Johnson. Johnson researchers believe that this John Johnson was the third John in a line of succession that began with the original grantholder for the land on which descendants of this family still live. Mary was paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.) in 1833 from her father's estate and $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from her mother's estate. Aaron Johnson was administrator of his mother-in-law, Ruth Dillard's, estate, is listed as "Capt." in
5. Sarah "Sallie" m. Isaac Adair, d. 1898, buried Old Salem Cemetery, Laurens County SC. Dillard sisters Sarah and Susan married Adair brothers Isaac and Edmond, sons of James. Sallie was paid $611.11 in 1837 ($14,191 in 2008 U.S.) from her father's estate and $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from her mother's estate. Issac Adair died during the civil war. In the 1880 census, Sallie states that her father was born in Virginia. The old Sallie Adair home place in the Indian Creek area of Laurens County SC stood until about 2003 when it was dismantled. Dillard descendants used wood and logs from the old house to build a new home. A sketch of the Adair House (Adair-Copeland-Pitts House) is published in the Laurens County Sketch Book. Both Sallie and Issac Adair are buried at Old Salem Cemetery, Laurens County SC. In 2009, their descendants were still living in Laurens County SC.
6. Susan m. Edmond Adair. Dillard sisters Sarah and Susan married Adair brothers Isaac and Edmond, sons of James. Susan was paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.) in 1833 from her father's estate and $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from her mother's estate. Susan and Edmond Adair are buried at Old Salem Cemetery, Laurens County SC. In 2009, their descendants were still living in Laurens County SC.
7. Elizabeth b. 1804, m. John A. Richey. Paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.) in 1833 from her father's estate.
8. William H. b. about 1811, m. Rebecca Eugenia ?. Administered father's estate in 1833 from which he was paid $587.75 ($15,546 in 2008 U.S.). Paid $248.74 ($7,227 in 2008 U.S.) in 1846 from her mother's estate. Listed as 39 years old in 1850 census. Married Rebecca Eugenia [last name unknown], who was 20 years his junior. 1860 census lists two sons, John W. and Jessie Drayton. In 1880 census, William states that his father was born in Virginia. In 2009, their descendants were still living in Laurens County SC.
Editor's Note: We calculated the relative value of the U.S. dollar at this link. http://www.measuringworth.com/uscompare/